Friday, September 02, 2005

And I deliver on my promises

I am officially connected. Hooked up. Set. All sorts of crazy slang. The important thing is that I am now on the Internet (and on the fastest connection I've ever experienced to boot! I love it! I've been watching all kinds of videos because they load immediately. Unlike my last computer, I don't have to wait 45 minutes for a 3-minute video to play! One such video was of a giant Pacific octopus eating a shark. If you honestly think that viewing this video will make you a better person, knock yourself out! The link is

Now, as for the actual fiasco of getting the computer...

First, you must understand the nature of my new habitat. I live on the south side of campus (south siiide, for all you playas) and letters and postcards come into my mailbox in my residence hall. For some inexplicable reason, however, package pickup is on the north side of campus. A map, demonstrating the distance I must travel to get to the UPS Store for parcel pickup would look something like this:

where the small letter "A" on the left represents my dorm room and the small letter "B" on the right represents the UPS Store.

So, basically, having ordered my computer and having spoken to a very kind man named Kurt regarding the lack of stock of my original computer order and having changed my order to a slightly downgraded model, I then sat kinda patiently waiting for it to come in the mail. And, like magic, it came! I trekked over to the UPS Store after Art History class (foolishly leaving my sherpa at home) and picked up my gi-normous box with computer inside. I then proceeded to carry the computer where? To my dorm room? No, silly, there was a catch! There's always a catch!

The laptop I ordered was supposed to come with all the anti-virus, firewall, system update, etc. stuff I needed to connect to the network already loaded on it (they call this stuff the "imaging"), but Insight was having trouble getting the imaging right so I needed to take my newly-purchased computer to the Residential Life Help Desk to have the techies put all that stuff on it. Ok, pop quiz...what is there always? Correct answer: a catch. The one man who knows how to put imaging on the computer was in a meeting, which I think is actually secret techie code for "having a burger and fries and, maybe, if still hungry and craving a little something sweet, a strawberry milkshake." Those tech guys are tricky, I tell ya!

I left my name and number, expecting a call from burger-boy later that afternoon to set up an appointment for the next day (which would be Thursday, for you nitpickers). He didn't call. He didn't call Thursday, either. For that matter, I still haven't heard from him. So I did what any impatient young girl would do: I did it myself. Are you proud? I have to tell you, I was pretty darn impressed with myself! This is roughly what the scene looked like (dramatic re-enactment):

You can tell that this is merely a dramatic re-enactment for many reasons not the least of which is the fact that I would never be caught DEAD in such dreadful faux fur.

Scan forward to the present and I am comfortably situated with computer, printer, printer paper, and videos of shark-eating octopi. Yup. It's just that good.

As a fun contest AND incentive to commenting, I believe I shall hold a computer naming contest! *trumpets sound* I love this computer and feel the need to give it a name. You can see my computer's picture on the previous post. I have no preference towards whether my computer should be male or female, it just needs a good name. So, if you have any great ideas (or any bad ones), go ahead and put 'em in a comment!


At 3:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think your computer should be named Hal.

Love, Katie

At 6:27 PM, Blogger u2andcomicbooks said...

Ahhh! A sinister name, but one with great potential!
Remind me later, Katie, I was flipping through my art history text and ran across the greatest sculpture of Commodus as's beautiful! I thought of you! :-D I need to post that pic here!

At 8:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I WAS COMMODUS! HAIL ME! Hi anna! I have never seen a blog and i have never commented, so i feel like an explorer...ouuuuuuuu. NO but i might have to start my own because yours is so cool! How is college goinging my dear>!?
love cat

At 11:04 AM, Blogger u2andcomicbooks said...

Ah! You guys are great...comments make me feel all warm and fuzzy blog was so lonely until now!
I'll post again soon (probably today or tomorrow), but I have "Restorative Yoga" today...hmmm...
By the way, Josi and Cat (if you get one), I'd be glad to put your blog addresses in my links section if you'd like...just lemme know!

At 7:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Anna,
The names I can think of are:
Bomb Voyage
Boundin' or Bound
Jackolope a.k.a. Jacko
ship...a.k.a. sheep:)
That's all i can think of for the moment. I love ya! Poke!!!


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