Thursday, February 23, 2006

The zoo! The zoo!

Mommy and I went to the zoo when she was here! It rocked! It rocked so hard it almost killed a man! Seriously! We saw all sorts of cool animals like tamarins and zebras and giraffes. I even saw wallabies! Wallabies! And a capybara! When I grow up I seriously wanna become a capybara! But when you think about it, who wouldn't want to be the world's largest rodent???

Here are some wicked cool pictures and the coup de grace: a movie! with a baby common squirrel monkey!!! How adorable is he? Watch the video and feel your brains melt from the cuteness!!!

And now the star of the show! Tada!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Since the last go seemed to work so well...

Yay! Video! And this time, it's me! Sorry for the was taken late-ish at night in my room with just my digital camera. In the background, you can hear what I believe is Pink Floyd playing and see my IM conversation with Nathan!

Basically, I had a sociocultural anthropology project (an ethnographic description) and so I went to Lee Lee Oriental Market (a big grocery store in has food and products from about every locale you can imagine). I resolved to walk out of there with a few items and they had to be stuff I'd never tried before. One such item was my Macapuno. NOW (after a quick google) I know that Macapuno is a Philippine specialty, but the truth?

Yeah, I basically bought it because the first ingredient on the label was: "Gelatinous mutant coconut." I'm not making this stuff up! I swear! I talked to my anthro professor (whose studies have been centered in the Philippines) and he said that "mutant" was a bad choice of words and Macapuno is generally just young coconut.

The video is what I bravely took while trying my very first Macapuno ball (I had NO idea what they'd taste like...didn't know if they'd be sweet, vinegary, soft, was a very courageous move!)

Enjoy! Sooo psyched about the video being up, but not so psyched about the ridiculous lag time between submitting the video to Google video and getting it live so I could embed it here. Still open to any video hosting suggestions!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Only time will tell...

Ok, so I'm working on a revolutionary technique to make my blog multi-media! Exciting, yeah? So, if any of you know of a really great, speedy, FREE video hosting site, lemme know! I'm working with Google Video right now, but it's taking much longer than I'd hoped in order to get my video "verified." order to check if I can even do this, I hope I've embedded a video of a really cute kid "playing" U2 songs. If you listen closely, you can catch snippets of "Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own" and "Vertigo." Dude, if I have a kid...he'll be just like this. Just as loud and obnoxious, too. *shakes head* I can see it now!

Any feedback or video help would be awesomely appreciated!