In Which the Author Feels Pretty Darn Self-Satisfied...
Ok, so I started teaching myself to knit a little less than a month ago (around Easter time)...Mom sent me a pair of size 8 knitting needles, a skein of Red Heart acrylic yarn (the super cheap stuff you can find most anywhere...perfect for learning considering it cost about $3 and it's hard to feel guilty about messing something up made out of $3 yarn!), and a couple of novelty yarns.
Anyways, being the stubborn gal I am, I decided to forget the whole "Beginner's should start out making a scarf" thing and went right into my very first project. I made a bag that actually turned out much better than I thought it would. Granted, it's not winning any blue ribbons in a fair or anything, but for being a $3 bag and my very first experience knitting I think I'm allowed to toot a coupla notes on my own horn, don't you?
But you didn't think I'd stop there, did you? Oh no...not me. What could I do next? How about cabling without an actual cable needle? Sure! Why not? So I started with a very basic cabling pattern (sorry about the camera's not great and the lighting in my room is weird, so I've got a weird balance to strike between color accuracy and focus, but you can deal...)
And that wasn't the end, either. With the itsyest bitsyest scrap of yarn left to me, I started a new cable pattern I found online. What's that you say? Why, yes! Yes, it IS a DNA strand! How wicked cool is that?
Unfortunately, with every last bit of my purple yarn gone and only the novelty yarns left, the knitting has stopped until I get home (which is probably a good thing, considering it IS finals weeks after all).