Monday, July 10, 2006

Forza Italia! Forza Azzurri!

Congrats to our boys in blue, the Italian soccer team, for winning the world cup last night! It's a crazy experience being in Florence for the World Cup victory...I live on a main arterial street and the insane honking, screaming, singing, pounding, flag-waving, and general merry-making started at about 11pm and didn't stop until 4:30 this morning! The street was completely backed up. I've got some video on my camera from both last night's game and the semi-final qualifying victory over Germany but you'll have to wait until I can get home to my own computer.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

More pictures...

Do you think I could date a Swiss Guard? I'd really like to...those striped leggings are cool!

Mad props to floormate Suzie for the awesome photo!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

A picture? And how!

This is me in Venice....Piazza San Marco, to be more specific. We decided to be all touristy for the day. I have two purses (neither of which are mine) because I was supposed to be holding stuff and taking pictures of the other two girls I was travelling with as they were feeding the pigeons. I don't even have food in my hand...the birds just like me better, what can I say?

Pretty much one of the coolest experiences ever.